Friday, February 10, 2006

Greasy Windows

There must be some substance in people's hair that when they rest their heads against window panes a smear of extreme greasiness is created. Many people will find that when one is bored out of their skull, one notices trivial things. Like the gum sticking to the back of the seat that was in front of me, or the name of a young punk etched into the wall, or the way the word 'seat' was misspelled 'seet' on a nearby sign. But my boredom has thankfully been interupted.

Many things in life require frequent interuptions, and boredom is one of them. So is romantic film, heavy metal music and political speeches.

Ted said I could stay with his family for a few nights, just while I am searching for this other Fennard. I am looking forward to his mother's butter chicken curry. He said it tasted like "the best butter you ever tasted with the best chicken you ever tasted in the best curry you ever tasted". I can't say no to that.

So for the next few days I will be staying with the strange family of a strange man in a strange town whilst looking for another strange man. Hmmmm, strange.


Blogger Michelin said...

So strange that I just want to read more.

I noticed the posting time are always ahead of my local time. Are you writing from Europe?

7:10 am  
Blogger Fennard Black said...

I would tell you but the consequences could be fatal.

1:46 pm  

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