Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Man And His Daemon

Many things are associated with cheap motel rooms much like the one I find myself in at present. There are little packets of sugar, paintings of flowers, bibles in bedside tables and promotional brochures from local organizations. I picked up a brochure on the countertop. It read

-The undoing of man shall be man himself;

an interesting sentence. It can mean a number of things:

-People will turn into pieces of knotted string and start undoing eachother.
-The actions of Mankind will eventually destroy Man.
-I am going to shoot myself in the head.

Now I would never shoot myself in the head, but if I did, I would place the gun at the back of my head, close to the neck, as this would almost guarantee death. People can live with a large part of their brain destroyed by a ricocheting bullet.

And it is this kind of bizarre knowledge that gets me into the trouble I am in today. Prior knowledge told me that bankers do not usually carry knives, and when I went to the bank today, I didn't see any. But I did see something else far more interesting; a business card.
But it wasn't the actual card that caught my attention, but the name printed on it:
Fennard Black.

Why the shock, you wonder? Well one would be shocked to see one's name on a business card that one did not have any prior knowledge of. I concluded that someone was probably posing as myself, so I set out to find who it was.

And that is why I am here in this sleazy motel room, with a bed that offers a vibrating service 25c/min. I think I've got some spare change in one of my pockets...


Blogger Michelin said...

I am now a subscriber to your serial writing.

8:01 am  
Blogger Fennard Black said...

Thank you. I hope you enjoy it.

3:57 pm  

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